The beverage aisle in Swiss grocery stores is a bit different from the US. Here are some beverages that almost all stores carry: Rivella - A soda that tastes like someone dissolved Smarties (the US kind) or SweeTarts in carbonated water. It's made with milk whey, which gives it a slightly tangy "is that an artificial sweetener?" flavor. It's often referred to by label color. It's available in red (regular), blue (diet), green (green tea - tastes vaguely like ginger ale for some reason), orange (peach), and, in the early summer, pink (rhubarb, which is delicious). If you visit Switzerland and want to try it, I guarantee that a local will be willing to buy you a bottle. This is because most Americans really don't like it, and the Swiss enjoy our " What WAS that? " reaction. I'm a weirdo who liked it the first time I tried it. Sinalco - While the company makes many flavors, Orange is all you'll commonly find in Switzerland. It's vagu...
An American geek stumbling through Zürich culture.