Imagine that moment of confusion when you wake up from a deep sleep and, for a few seconds, you can't remember where you are or why you're there. Imagine that you had a little bit too much to drink last night. Not enough to be sick, but enough to feel like you're sweating a little bit too much and people are talking just a little too loud. Except... you're pretty sure that you didn't drink last night... whenever night last night was. Imagine that your body may or may not be fighting off a cold. You're simultaneously too warm and too cold. A painkiller seems excessive, but your bones ache and you wonder whether you've slept too much or not enough. Imagine watching the sunrise and being disturbed at a deep level because the sun shouldn't be coming up at this hour. What world have I fallen into where the sun rises at the ungodly hour of... 6am. Oh. I guess that's normal. Here. Imagine that your alarm goes off at 8 O'clock, and you have no idea w...
An American geek stumbling through Zürich culture.