Since moving, I've had to rely on Google Translate a lot. Everything from government websites to local news websites has to be translated. I'm slowly learning German, and I can occasionally make out simple articles without translation, but that little "This page is in German. Would you like to translate it?" notification gets a lot of use.
Somewhere along the way, the algorithms have noticed. I'm seeing a lot more German spam, the web page ads that sneak past my adblockers are increasingly in German, and Google Play has been playing a lot of Europop lately. Tonight, for a change of pace, Google's "I'm feeling lucky" song guesser decided that I wanted to listen to French pop. Ça joue.
Somewhere along the way, the algorithms have noticed. I'm seeing a lot more German spam, the web page ads that sneak past my adblockers are increasingly in German, and Google Play has been playing a lot of Europop lately. Tonight, for a change of pace, Google's "I'm feeling lucky" song guesser decided that I wanted to listen to French pop. Ça joue.
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